宁波国际银行开户指南 一.银行离岸业务
所有的非中国居民,包括中国境外注册的公司、企业、工厂、团体、银行、存款公司和基金组织、个人等均可以在我行开立离岸帐户。 根据注册所在地及组织形式的不同,开立离岸业务所需的资料可能有所不同。有限公司开户时,应提供下列文件: 1.香港注册的有限公司,应提供: 1)经证实的商业登记证复印件 2)经证实的公司注册证明书复印件 3)最近一期的周年申报表 4)经证实的公司组织大纲及章程副本 5)董事会决议(二个以上股东)或授权委托书(一个股东) 6)各董事身份证或护照复印件 7)银行开户申请书 8)印鉴卡(一式五份) 2.澳洲、新加坡、英国注册的有限公司提供: 1)公司注册证明书认证副本 2)公司章程及组织大纲副本 3)经认证的董事及公司秘书资料报表 4)董事会决议(二个以上股东)或授权委托书(一个股东) 5)各董事身份证或护照复印件 6)银行开户申请书 7)印鉴卡(一式五份) 3.BVI公司,应提供: 1)公司注册证明书认证副本 2)公司构架证书 3)出任董事同意书 4)会议记录 5)股票证书 6)经证实的公司组织大纲及章程副本 7)注册会计师出具的证明 8)注册代表出具的决议书 9)各董事身份证或护照 10)银行开户申请书 11)印鉴卡(一式五份) 4.美国注册的有限公司,应提供: 1)公司注册证明书认证副本 2)公司章程及附则认证副本 3)于公证人或律师面前作出的法律声明 4)董事会决议(二个以上股东)或授权委托书(一个股东) 5)各董事身份证或护照复印件 6)银行开户申请书 独资企业,应提供下列文件: 1)经证实的商业登记证影印本 2)经证实的商业登记证申请书影印本 3)独资经营人员身份证或照护影印本 4)开户申请书 5)授权委托书及印鉴卡(一式五份) 合伙商号开户时,应提供如下文件: 1)经证实的商业登记证影印本 2)经证实的商业登记证申请书影印本 3)合伙经营人身份证或照护影印本 4)合伙商号帐号开户委托书 5)开户申请书 6)授权委托书及印鉴卡(一式五份) 社团开户时,应提供如下文件: 1)经证实的社团成立会议记录证明影印本 2)经证实的会章规则 3)经证实的登记证明文件 4)社团开户委托书 5)经正式的法人机构代表印鉴证明书影印本 6)帐户开户申请书 7)印鉴卡(一式五份) 三.离岸业务的业务范围
我行为客户提供包括美元、港币、欧元、日元等可自由兑换货币存款服务。 基于离岸帐户的特点,目前离岸业务不经营人民币,对非居民法人不可以提现、结汇,现钞不能转现汇。非居民自然人可以提现钞并可以结汇。 我行为客户提供全方位的离岸国际结算服务,包括电汇、跟单托收、进口开证、出口信用证、远期信用证买断(福费延)。 四.BIN离岸帐户业务的特色 1)由于BIN是外资银行总行,只要客户提交开户所需的资料,在一个工作日之内可以完成开户手续并启用帐户; 2)BIN目前对离岸帐户免收帐户管理费; 3)在每笔资金到帐后,银行将立即以电话、E-mail、或其他客户要求的方式通知客户;
宁波国际银行简介 BANK INTERNATIONAL NINGBO ( BIN ) A PREMIER CHINA-INCORPORATED FOREIGN BANK There are about 200 foreign banks and financial institutions presently operating in China. BIN is a premier China-incorporated foreign bank with presence in cities of Ningbo and Shanghai. With our first establishment in 1993, BIN has served a wide range of domestic and international clients. We have the edge over branches of foreign banks operating here because we are China -incorporated; we understand the Chinese business environment as well as the operating standards of foreign investors.
BIN has proven track records in its financial performance. We have a diversified-mixed of quality assets which propelled our earnings to the top ten foreign banks. In 1998, BIN is ranked 8th in terms of profit amongst all foreign banks in China. As a foreign bank, we follow the regulations from the Regulators Such as, China Banking Regulatory Committee (CBRC), States Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) and the People's Bank of China (PBOC). BIN has passed the various audits and specific tests on internal control, risks management, assets management and liquidity management conducted by these regulatory authorities in the past six years. We are recognized to be fit and sound; to have met the stringent Regulators requirements and international banking standards. Flexibility Clients enjoy our flexibility in terms of the range of financial services and the ways that they are delivered. We believe in meeting all the expectations from our clients .In view of our unique size and structure, BIN has the capability to respond speedily to changes in the needs of our clients resulting in tailor-made financial packages for every new situation. Floating Interest Rates BIN would quote the best interest rates which are in line with the market and our own costs of fund. We are able to quote competitively as we have effective cost control programs. BIN would pass the ultimate reduced cost benefit to our clients. On-line Banking Both of our banking centers in Ningbo and Shanghai are connected on-line. A client could perform banking operations like cash deposits, cash withdrawals, remittances, letter of credit applications / payment and credit functions at the two centers. Our computer link is constructed with a view to perform on-line banking for our clients nationwide in the future. Personalized Services The unique structure enables BIN to provide personalized services to our clients. We do not merely sell our financial products and services; we share our experience and we make progress hand-in-hand with our clients towards growth and improvement in China. In terms of quality service, we are prepared to walk the extra miles. Networking BIN has developed a large correspondent banking network globally to enhance international trades. Presently we have correspondent banking relationship with 150 banks in 78 cities, 41 countries spread over the five continents. BIN, a premier China-incorporated foreign bank, is on target to position ourselves in an increasing competitive environment. The direction forward is to make the best out of long established tradition and supplement this by new and foreign ideas.